Programs >Mass Communication
Master & Doctorate in

Mass Communication

Program ID
PM05 | PD05
Bechlor degree

Are you an aspiring communicator keen on exploring the intricate realms of contemporary media landscapes or a professional aiming to excel in the vibrant field of mass communication? Our Professional Master in Mass Communication program stands as a gateway for you to gain comprehensive expertise and skills vital for success in the dynamic and evolving world of media and communication.

Embark on a transformative journey by pursuing a Professional Master's in Mass Communication, a pivotal step towards a rewarding and impactful career in the dynamic realm of media and communication. This esteemed degree empowers individuals with specialized skills, strategic insights, and an in-depth understanding of communication dynamics, nurturing innovative and creative thinking. Graduates not only expand their career horizons but also contribute significantly to shaping the media landscape and societal discourse. This degree serves as a foundation in shaping adept and visionary communicators, ready to thrive in a rapidly evolving media environment.

You will learn about:

  • Strategic Communication: Formulate and execute effective communication strategies.
  • Media Analysis: Understand media landscapes and audience behavior.
  • Branding and Public Relations: Develop compelling brand stories and manage public relations.
  • Multimedia Storytelling: Master various storytelling techniques across media platforms.
  • Digital Media Management: Navigate digital trends and manage online presence.
  • Communication Ethics: Understand ethical practices in communication.
  • Research Methods: Utilize research for informed decision-making in media.

Begin your journey towards acquiring specialized communication skills, expanding your understanding of media dynamics, and making a positive impact on industries and societies.

Entry requirements

Prospective candidates applying for the Mass Communication program are required to hold a Bachelor's degree or its equivalent in a relevant field. Additionally, applicants should exhibit a keen interest in media, communication, or related fields.

Prior experience or exposure in media, journalism, public relations, or related domains could be advantageous. Eligibility for each applicant will be evaluated based on academic qualifications, motivation, and alignment with the program's objectives.

Course structure and modules

This program contains nine focused subjects:

Media Theories and Research

This subject explores foundational mass communication theories and contemporary issues in media studies, focusing on media effects and research methodologies.

Journalism and Reporting

Focuses on the fundamentals of news writing, investigative journalism, multimedia storytelling, and ethical principles in reporting.

Media Production

Covers audiovisual production, digital media creation, video production, and strategies for multimedia production.

Public Relations and Strategic Communication

Explores principles of public relations, strategic communication planning, crisis management, and persuasive communication strategies.

Media Law and Ethics

Focuses on legal aspects of media, freedom of speech, ethical considerations in journalism, and media regulations.

Digital Media Strategies and Analytics

Explores digital media trends, content strategies for online platforms, social media analytics, and audience engagement strategies.

Media Management and Marketing

Covers media business models, marketing strategies in media industries, audience research, and media management principles.

Documentary Filmmaking and Visual Storytelling

Focuses on documentary filmmaking techniques, visual storytelling, production planning, and documentary ethics.

Media and Cultural Studies

Explores the intersection of media, culture, and society, studying the influence of media on cultural perceptions and identities.

How you study

The Professional Master in Mass Communication offers a holistic learning experience integrating theoretical concepts with practical applications and case studies. This program encompasses various learning methods such as lectures, seminars, workshops, and interactive discussions led by industry experts and communication professionals. Students will engage in practical exercises, case studies, and media simulations to refine their communication skills. Furthermore, research projects and potential internships form integral components, providing hands-on experience and a comprehensive grasp of communication practices and principles.

Career opportunities

Completion of the Professional Master in Mass Communication opens doors to diverse career paths in media, journalism, public relations, advertising, and related fields. Graduates can pursue roles as media strategists, content creators, communication specialists, public relations managers, or media analysts in media houses, advertising agencies, corporations, or public relations firms. Additionally, this program equips individuals with critical thinking, creative storytelling, and strategic communication skills, enabling them to navigate the ever-evolving media landscape and contribute meaningfully to societal discourse and industry innovation.